Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My husband has a dream. He loves to play drums and wants to be a professional drummer. I always supported his dream and I will always do. He was planning to go the Afghanistan this july and after we talked a lot about that we decided that the best for our relationship would be he gives up about this idea and run into his dream. He was worried about having no job and applied for the militay reserves. He won't make enough money for us doing this, but at least we will have military benefits. We have been saving money since we got married last year and we are planning to survivor with this money the first months when I get there. Army will pay for our house, which is pretty amazing. We couldn't afford a house as I don't have a job yet. But I am confident I will find a good job as soon as I get there. Like I said I am finishing my college next month and I will have my bachelor's degree in business administration. I currently work in an investments advisory (I am quiting on june 30th tho). My boss is trying to help me to find a job in the USA. We have many contacts with banks and assets in the USA and his brother graduated in California some years ago. So he is sending my resume for those people! Hopefully it works! 
As you should have realized my english is not perfect and I will try to work on it. I am looking for some schools to study ESL (English as second language). 
When we get there we will stay at my husband's grandaddy house. He lives in Ventura, Ca. The city is an hour and half away from LA. And then, we will start looking for an apartment for us, we are planning to move out in september. We are flighting back to the USA on august 10th but we will have my brother-in-law's wedding on august 27th (I am so happy for him, he and his lady are cute together!) and we will spend a week in florida. It means we won't have time for anything lol It's for a good cause tho! :)
After the wedding my baby will start his college, I will start my english classes and we will adjust our lifes! 
We already have:
A bed and a mattress, a TV, two computers lol, some cups, aaaaaaand thats it! hahaha
We will have to buy everything else! GREAT LOL 
C'mon we will make it with tons of love!!! :)


  1. Hahahaha, we only have the matress too! Hahaha...Ryan some thing but we are planning to buy everything, so we can start our new live with new furniture! :p
    I am sure you will be able to find a great job! I wish you guys all the best!:)

  2. Carol, I have a new post on my blog, and I mentioned you name! :p Hope you are fine with that! Hihhihi...=)

  3. Carol, parece que a vida tem sorrido para vc de orelha a orelha.Que bênção é saber que as portas estão se abrindo pra vcs assim. Que tudo suceda na sua vida :)!

    Para seguir meu blog, é só ir na sessão da direita em Seguindo a Exportada

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  4. É, Deus tem sido muito bom pra mim!!! :)
    Muitíssimo obrigada pelos votos!
    Vou lá seguir! Obrigada, sou bem leiga nessas coisas! haha
